FPM, For the promotion of financial inclusion in RD Congo

The FPM is a fund whose vision is to reduce poverty and improve living conditions for the people of DR Congo. It aims to support the construction and development of an inclusive and responsible financial system by offering technical assistance, refinancing and portfolio guarantee services tailored to financial institutions serving micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) and low-income working populations with real development potential. The FPM was institutionalized in 2010 as a non-profit association (ASBL) under Congolese law. In 2014, its sister vehicle, FPM SA, was created to provide refinancing to financial institutions in DR Congo following its approval by the Central Bank of Congo.

Since then, the two entities have complemented each other: FPM ASBL provides technical assistance to financial institutions offering financial products and services to SMEs, while FPM SA is dedicated to refinancing financial institutions and granting portfolio guarantees. The two vehicles are therefore different legal entities, each with their own governance bodies.

FPM also supports the development of the MSME financing sector with:

Specialized market studies for financial institutions (financing of the agricultural sector, investment opportunity in the different provinces of DR Congo, etc.)

Forums for the financial sector (Forum Access to Financing DR Congo, Global Money Week, International Day of Savings, etc.)

Business training sessions for the professions in the sector to improve the quality of services financial and financial inclusion in DR Congo.

Its Financial and Digital Education Programme (PEFD), which offers basic financial education to the population of the DRC through its three components (a. A nationwide multimedia campaign; b. Forums and c. Training)

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