Refinancing Policy

FPM SA pursues a responsible refinancing policy, which is based on a rigorous analysis of the repayment capacity of PFIs requesting loans and the risks inherent in their activities.

Several steps are identified during the refinancing process:

A pre-selection will be made based on eligibility criteria and various financial and non-financial data. If this pre-selection is positive, FPM SA team will proceed to a complete evaluation of the requesting institution with the support of different rating tools. This evaluation will also include a field visit (due diligence) and a meeting with the main staff of the requesting institution.

After review by the management team, the file is presented to the Credit Committee. Once approved by the Credit Committee, the legal documents relating to the transaction are drawn up together with the customer, before the loan is finally disbursed. To ensure close monitoring, IFP will provide a standardised quarterly report to the FPM SA team.

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